Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Mar, 2023  |
  • Views: 1285  |
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1 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"My Dog Died A Few Years Ago But When I Look At Google Maps She’s Still There Chasing The Street Car"

2 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

3 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"Caught My Dog Chilling In The Main Entrance Of My House On Google Maps, It’s Been Over 1 Year Since He Passed Away"

4 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"Caught The Google Car Driver Breaking The Law"

5 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"These Streets In Nova Scotia"

6 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

7 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

8 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

9 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

10 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"After An Hour Of Looking Along The West Coast, I Found A Whale In The Ocean On The West Coast! (33 Feet Long)"

11 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

12 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"Imagine This Moment Of Your Life Immortalized On Google Maps Forever"

13 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"Streetview Censored This Cat For His Privacy"

14 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"The Algorithm Used To Blur Faces Blurred The Statue Of Liberty"

15 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

16 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

17 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"Apparently The Fastest Bus In Existence On Google Maps--Seattle To Kyrgyzstan And Back To Seattle In Only 47 Minutes"

18 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"Google Maps Approved My Photo For The Vet"

19 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

20 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"Virgin Atlantic Photo-Bombed The Satellite Image"

21 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"In October 2017, I Got Spotted By The Google Maps Street View Car Not Once But Twice In Two Different States"

22 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"This Man In A Trash Can, Found In Some Park In Sweden"

23 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

24 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

25 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"4 People In 4 Coloured Hazmat Suits In Norilsk, Russia. The Further On Street View You Travel The Stranger Their Actions Get, From Staring Into Walls To Checking Random Letterboxes"

26 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"Spiderman On A Roof Found In Japan!"

27 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

28 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"This Dog-Shaped Mountain In Antarctica"

29 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"Google Street View Blurred Out My Horses Face"

30 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"16 September 2013 - I Witnessed My Crazy Tin-Foil-Hat Neighbor Scream And Threaten To Sue The Google Street Car Driver If Photos Are Taken Of His House And Demands That Google Blur It Out (They Never Did Blur It)"

31 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

32 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

33 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"Google Car Getting Pulled Over In The Florida Keys"

34 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"Don't Talk To Me Or My Son Ever Again"

35 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"A Replica Of The Eiffel Tower In Inner Mongolia China"

36 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

37 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

38 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"A Flipped Over Police Van In London"

39 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

40 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

41 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)

"Trying To See A House For Sale In Street View"

42 Google Maps ''Anomalies'' (42 pics)


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