Weird Apartments (26 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Feb, 2023  |
  • Views: 3257  |
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"The ad literally says, "Modern Kitchen, Great Layout, Bright and Spacious!""

1 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

2 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

3 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

"Please step on your kitchen counter to go up"

4 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

"A light switch in the middle of the floor"

5 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

"A late night bathroom emergency may become a real trip to the emergency room."

6 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

7 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

8 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

9 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

10 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

11 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

12 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

13 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

14 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

"When your security gate is a ladder."

15 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

16 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

"The more I look at this house, the worse it gets"

17 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

18 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

19 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

20 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

21 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

22 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

23 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

"The builders decided that they wanted this bannister to clip through the wall"

24 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

25 Weird Apartments (26 pics)

"One. Single. Blind."

26 Weird Apartments (26 pics)


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