Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 7 Feb, 2023  |
  • Views: 1717  |
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“My local bakery’s submission to the scarecrow contest (Yes, that is bread.)”

1 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

2 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

3 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

“All of the hinges in my grandmother’s house are fully decorated. Each hinge is a different design.”

4 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

5 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

6 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

“Found these 110-year-old crayons in the back of a family secretary desk.”

7 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

8 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

“My whole family tree, dating back to the 1600s”

9 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

"Winter loading..."

10 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

“The eggs I found”

11 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

"Red ivy attacking the trees"

12 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

"Every kernel popped. This has NEVER happened to me.”

13 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

“I found a strawberry with the flower petals still attached.”

14 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

“The smallest handrail you’ve ever seen”

15 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

16 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

“Coca-Cola left out in the sun for a month”

17 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)

“The inside of the top of an IKEA desk”

18 Amazing Discoveries (18 pics)


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