Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 31 Jan, 2023  |
  • Views: 1347  |
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1 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"My 3D printed halo reach - Noble 6 armor progress so far."

2 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"Scanned my nose so my glasses have a home."

3 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"I made a Sears Tower chopstick holder"

4 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

Kirby fume extractor

5 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"Wife and I(mostly her) added hearing aids to our nieces gift. They match hers."

6 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"Someone kept drinking my milk from the office fridge, so I've made a lock for the milk bottle"

7 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

Ultimate Tic Tac Toe

8 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

9 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"Last weekend we began delivering 3D printed bionic hands to Ukraine! First up, a 24 year old soldier"

10 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

This eagle shot in the face and got 3d printed beak which made him more badass

11 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"I had to 3D print this JUST in case!!"

12 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"3D printing a super battle droid for household defence"

13 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"After more than 80 hours of printing on the P1P, looks surreal."

14 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"My Magnum Opus"

15 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"I designed this charger for my Apple Watch"

16 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"A friend of mine recently lost a lot of weight. So I made this figure to celebrate that!"

17 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"Now with random eye movement. Powered by a Arduino."

18 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"I designed and printed a working desktop-sized model of an escalator"

19 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"A moon staff that I made for my Renaissance Faire costume this year. Turns on by hitting the base of the staff on the ground."

20 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"My wife keeps asking for help in the kitchen, apparently this doesn't count"

21 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

22 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"Printed a 4-foot T-Rex and buried it in my yard for my nieces to discover and excavate"

23 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"Finished my Iron Man lamp"

24 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"I 3D printed matching helmets for myself and my nub. ‘Don't talk to me or my son ever again.'"

25 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"I'm happy with how my chess board came out."

26 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"Honestly, I don't think it's a problem that needs that kind of solution, it just came across my head while I was… well you know"

27 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

28 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

Business card embosser

29 Amazing 3D Printing (30 pics)

"Made the Rocketeer helmet and pack myself"

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