Amazing Nature (32 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 23 Jan, 2023  |
  • Views: 1347  |
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“McDonald’s burger preserved in resin since the late ’70s”

1 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“A house cat suffering from a rare condition that causes its muscles to grow excessively large”

2 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“A lion’s mane jellyfish that washed ashore in Maine — the largest one ever recorded had a 7-foot wide bell and 120-foot long tentacles (210 cm by 36.6 m).”

3 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“A wild mushroom rising up from the ground”

4 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“I have 6 toes on each of my feet.”

5 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“So some bees decided to make a hive in between the window and the shutters.”

6 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“My brother’s pumpkins are stuck between rotting and freezing.”

7 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“This orange was starting to grow a second orange when I took it off the tree.”

8 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“The sunrise illuminating icicles I stuck on a snow-covered patio table”

9 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“My hair froze in minutes this morning in −36°F.”

10 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

11 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“A sand dollar left a trail on the beach at low tide.”

12 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“Termites ate up this copy of To Kill a Mockingbird.”

13 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“An icicle growing from a spider’s web outside my window”

14 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“The way these mushrooms form an almost perfect circle”

15 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“These bunches of grapes are growing into a bunch of grapes.”

16 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“At my Airbnb, there’s a mushroom growing out of the bathroom door jamb.”

17 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“The ants in my yard are trying to make friends.”

18 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“Frozen spaghetti for 2 in North Dakota”

19 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“Sunshine reflected off of a small mirror and scorched my boss’s truck.”

20 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“Lady of the Tree, an enchanted tree in the north of England”

21 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“After 2 days of freezing rain, this mold came off my tire.”

22 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“The squirrels in my neighborhood carry stones as decoys.”

23 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“Pathways created by ants inside a dead tree trunk”

24 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“The way the reflection from the window melted the snow on the roof.”

25 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“Gnarly pumpkin made gnarlier by mold”

26 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“I found this bug in my garden. It stares at me like an alien.”

27 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“An army of ants carrying a crab claw”

28 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“Fungi on an elephant statue’s eye”

29 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“Frozen paw prints”

30 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

“The water in this pole expanded while freezing and pushed the railing off.”

31 Amazing Nature (32 pics)

32 Amazing Nature (32 pics)


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