Failed Dishes (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 16 Jan, 2023  |
  • Views: 1095  |
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"They ordered a vegetarian pizza and, technically, that’s what they got."

1 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

“The ample amount of lettuce used to wrap my burger when I request no bun.”

2 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

“Someone clearly dropped the pizza, but neither place will refund! The delivery service blames the pizza place for dropping it, and the pizza place blames them.”

3 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

“I ordered a Big Mac without the extra 3rd bun. What is this?”

4 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

“Getting raw chicken and no refund.”

5 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

“This was listed on the menu as a ‘breaded pork tenderloin sandwich.’ At this point, why even bother with a bun?”

6 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

"They discovered another way to present nachos with cheese. Not their best idea."

7 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

“I waited a total of 1.5 hours at a pretentious ski lounge for this...”

8 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

"Sure, you ordered iced tea, but you never specified that you wanted it in a glass."

9 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

“These things were advertised as ‘pizzas.’ €15 each”

10 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

“Our corn chips came in a Rusty bucket.”

11 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

“Ordered a bagel with cream cheese....thanks?”

12 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

"Are straws really necessary?"

13 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

“Ordered mac’n’cheese from a not-unfancy Italian restaurant on my street and got this.”

14 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

“An otherwise incredibly delicious Caesar salad, made as inconvenient to eat as possible.”

15 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

“Delicious tiramisu —but served in a coffee press”

16 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

“Friends ordered a precooked Turkey from a local restaurant.”

17 Failed Dishes (18 pics)

“A local pizzeria started using a dough ball instead of the plastic thingies to keep the pizza intact.”

18 Failed Dishes (18 pics)


№1 Author: Keta (16 Jan 2023 22:53) Total user comments: 386

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That's not a coffee press, it's a moka pot.

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