Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 Jan, 2023  |
  • Views: 4321  |
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“I really held it together when I first saw my bride.”

1 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“This pic I just took of a random fairy house looks like an AI-generated image.”

2 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“I guess Santa still uses fossil fuel.”

3 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

4 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“Yesterday, I managed to witness the rare and miraculous birth of a seasonal reindeer vehicle while waiting at a red light."

5 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“Caught Theo’s reflection in the magnifying mirror!”

6 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“It’s good to film the most important moments.”

7 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“The stranger behind us took this photo at Disney World.”

8 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“She tapped me on the shoulder and said, ’I don’t mean to be weird, but I took this...’ It’s now our favorite vacation photo.”

“I took this picture the other day in my backyard with this figurine I got while I was in Akihabara!”

9 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“I’ve been attempting to get this photograph for years. Was finally ready when it happened!”

10 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“A tornado of fish”

11 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“A snapping turtle hatchling”

12 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“A pigeon in Wellys”

13 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“My son contemplating his next move”

14 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“Pictures with Santa”

15 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“A female golden orb weaver and male homo sapien, Australia”

16 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“I wanted to take a picture of this cat I saw, and he started to yawn suddenly, then this picture came out.”

17 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“The result of a 5-km run during an extreme cold warning in Canada (-40).”

18 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)

“My child belongs to the horse now.”

19 Unusual Finds And Situations (19 pics)


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