Weird People (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Jan, 2023  |
  • Views: 1086  |
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He was challenged to fit an entire box of straws in his mouth and he did it!

1 Weird People (25 pics)

When you’re over-worked and nobody acknowledges it, so you decide to make a bold statement:

2 Weird People (25 pics)

This person who just loves cheeseburgers

3 Weird People (25 pics)

This person got drunk, broke a car window, collected all the cones from the surrounding area, and placed them around and on top of the car to prevent thieves from stealing it.

4 Weird People (25 pics)

This snake that knows how to open a door

5 Weird People (25 pics)

“Ok, the tower is set — let’s start playing.”

6 Weird People (25 pics)

Now that’s the kind of gym we can commit to going to every day.

7 Weird People (25 pics)

This 9-year-old’s present

8 Weird People (25 pics)

Putting it in a cup didn’t really help, did it?

9 Weird People (25 pics)

This knife that was thrown so hard it passed through the door

10 Weird People (25 pics)

Haircut is loaded at 50%

11 Weird People (25 pics)

Having a beer with Mario and Luigi

12 Weird People (25 pics)

That’s definitely what you don’t want to see when you are boarding a plane!

13 Weird People (25 pics)

This person ordered an outfit from Amazon while drunk.

14 Weird People (25 pics)

The calm before the panic

15 Weird People (25 pics)

This type of balance is quite impressive.

16 Weird People (25 pics)

This person’s tip was a little artwork.

17 Weird People (25 pics)

Supermarket employees know what students go through and they are offering an escape.

18 Weird People (25 pics)

The letters are correct, just in the wrong order. No one will notice, right?

19 Weird People (25 pics)

There wasn’t enough tin foil left to make a matching hat.

20 Weird People (25 pics)

How this person eats their pretzel:

21 Weird People (25 pics)

This person trying to get a free meal out of the server’s wages

22 Weird People (25 pics)

“Hi Ugly, glad to hear it!”

23 Weird People (25 pics)

Someone needs to be a little more gentle with their car...

24 Weird People (25 pics)

When you really want to use those paper towels but opening the locked cupboard is only worth half the effort:

25 Weird People (25 pics)


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