Weird Dishes (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 30 Dec, 2022  |
  • Views: 2908  |
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1 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

2 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

That is marshmallow and mayo in a bowl… yummy.

3 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

"Mountain Dew cheesecake with a spicy Doritos crust. I win."

4 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

"Attempted scramble eggs, too much milk I think"

5 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

"My daughter asked for a pancake shaped like a Christmas stocking. I very much failed."

6 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

"I made egg nog last night from scratch. i woke up to this monstrosity."

7 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

"A low point. I was very sad and had 2 edible options - Peas scraped from the freezer floor and half a can of beans. I used chopsticks and a strawberry plate to add to the excitement… hunger was alleviated, sadness fortified. "

8 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

9 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

10 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

"This lasagna I ordered from an Italian restaurant."

11 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

12 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

"Right back at ya cooked broccoli."

13 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

14 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

Those are eggs.

15 Weird Dishes (16 pics)

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