Annoying Situations (31 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 5 Dec, 2022  |
  • Views: 2384  |
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’’So I walk into my office this morning...’’

1 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“I told my wife my cat doesn’t need expensive toys. Cat proves my point.”

2 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“It was supposed to be a pizza.”

3 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“I love our new house...except for this.”

4 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“My Uber driver got his ’portable toilet’ sitting inches away from my foot.”

5 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

"One of those very challenging situations"

6 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“I am currently locked in my bathroom, I can’t get out.”

7 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“My $330 piece of glass was okay, but seriously?!”

8 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“They forgot to give me the rib in my McRib...guess it’s just the Mc now.”

9 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“My roommate’s dog found one of my AirPods.”

10 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“It was a bad day for a backpack.”

11 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“The way my cup broke”

12 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“In addition to the screaming children, I also get feet.”

13 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

"Not the best morning to have..."

14 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“I found a grasshopper leg in my frozen peas after we had already eaten half the bag earlier today.”

15 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“I opened my Halloween Kinder egg and got 2 of the same part.”

16 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“How she cuts lemons...”

17 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

“My co-worker never washes their mug.”

18 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

’’The worst game of hide and seek ever’’

19 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

’’I ordered some gummy bears in the mail and this is what I got.’’

20 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

’’There is a water snake living in my toilet somehow.’’

21 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

’’We ordered a wedding cake. This is what we got.’’

22 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

’’Tenants called today to tell me the toilet wouldn’t flush, and the plumber turned up to this.’’

23 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

’’When you slice bread and can’t make the sandwich’’

24 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

’’It’s so hot in my apartment that my candles are melting.’’

25 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

’’I got charged per onion ring and not all the rings cost the same amount.’’

26 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

’’This just happened when I took my bananas out of a bag.’’

27 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

’’As if public toilets didn’t give me enough anxiety.’’

28 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

’’While looking for a file in my co-worker’s drawer, I found this...thing.’’

29 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

’’I gave a kid a pencil, and this is how I got it back.’’

30 Annoying Situations (31 pics)

’’The way my roommate ate my pie’’

31 Annoying Situations (31 pics)


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