Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 9 Nov, 2022  |
  • Views: 3538  |
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1 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

"This side table made of spray foam proves that designer furniture doesn’t have to be expensive."

2 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

’’My son came home with a sticker reminding us picture day was the next day.’’

3 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

"A hair elastic can keep your soap from sliding every time you use it."

4 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

"A genius way to keep your belongings safe at the beach"

5 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

’’My cats kept reaching under the door and slamming it into its frame. Took care of that in a hurry.’’

6 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

"No cup warmer, no problem — a candle can do the job just fine."

7 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

"No cup warmer, no problem — a candle can do the job just fine."

8 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

"FaceTiming the water so it doesn’t boil over while I’m watching tv in the other room."

9 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

’’Pouring coffee from my bowl of coffee into my water bottle with a small opening using a makeshift siphon made out of 2 straws’’

10 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

11 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

"A genius way to remind your kids it’s time to clean up the mess"

12 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

"There is a way to secure your bag with only one padlock."

13 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

"Keep your sweets safe from your kids by hiding them in an empty oats box."

14 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

"A basketball hoop made of an old shoebox is an easy, low-budget entertainment option that anyone can try."

15 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

"A dad thought of a brilliant way to make use of his kids’ toys."

16 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

17 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)

’’My vegan chicken wing had a wooden bone in it.’’

18 Interesting Ideas (18 pics)


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