Funny Situations (40 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 31 Oct, 2022  |
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“My coworker’s motivational strip on his computer.”

1 Funny Situations (40 pics)

''This cat is obsessed with shrimp. She makes this face whenever there is shrimp on the table.”

2 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“My son’s journal entry today”

3 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“This sign I found in a public restroom”

4 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“My 6-year-old brought this home yesterday. ’Sckrl’ really did it for me.”

5 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“I cackle every time I see this picture. Can’t tell whose face tickles me more!”

6 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“My wife got told, ’No pictures,’ by a monkey.”

7 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“My mother ordered a soap dispenser from Amazon and this was the warranty information.”

8 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“This rear windshield wiper.”

9 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“I think my scale is trying to tell me something.”

10 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“This is the last time I let you talk me into this!”

11 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“Celebrating my first divorceversary and the office girls bought me a cake.”

12 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“My mom asked if I wanted to see her melon.”

13 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“My daughter, after realizing her 4th birthday is tomorrow and not today.”

14 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“Restaurant asked if we were celebrating anything special.”

15 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“The wedded bliss on dad’s face”

16 Funny Situations (40 pics)

17 Funny Situations (40 pics)

18 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“Got here just in time! Nearly got locked in!”

19 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“Celebrating Christmas with my wife’s family when suddenly...”

20 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“This is why I am single.”

21 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“Discount joker”

22 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“During the bathroom remodel, we placed this skeleton in the wall for future owners to find.”

23 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“I think I need to find a new barber.”

24 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“Experts recommend keeping your daily rituals even while working from home.”

25 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“And this is why you check the size of the rice cooker before hitting the buy button (banana for scale.)”

26 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“My 4-year-old is clearly a master of hide and seek.”

27 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“I knew exactly which house he meant.”

28 Funny Situations (40 pics)

29 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“A neighbor kept their Halloween decor up and turned it into a heartwarming holiday scene.”

30 Funny Situations (40 pics)

31 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“My cousins have Alopecia Universalis and an excellent sense of humor.”

32 Funny Situations (40 pics)

33 Funny Situations (40 pics)

34 Funny Situations (40 pics)

35 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“My dentist has jokes.”

36 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“It’s my birthday today, and we only had ‘thank you’ cards in the house. My fiancé made this...”

37 Funny Situations (40 pics)

“This is quite the grumpy pole at my university.”

38 Funny Situations (40 pics)

39 Funny Situations (40 pics)

40 Funny Situations (40 pics)


№1 Author: jP (6 Nov 2022 15:43) Total user comments: 1022

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WTF @ pic#10

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