Annoying Situations (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Oct, 2022  |
  • Views: 1220  |
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“My wife insists this is normal...”

1 Annoying Situations (15 pics)

“This is what my husband does with his dirty clothes... there are 4 baskets.”

2 Annoying Situations (15 pics)

“The way my wife eats pizza.”

3 Annoying Situations (15 pics)

“My husband insists this is normal...”

4 Annoying Situations (15 pics)

“The way my wife eats watermelon...”

5 Annoying Situations (15 pics)

“My husband put this back in the fridge.”

6 Annoying Situations (15 pics)

“My wife refuses to use the sink strainer because ’it gets clogged too easily.’”

7 Annoying Situations (15 pics)

“The way my husband hangs his pants... on a pants hanger.”

8 Annoying Situations (15 pics)

“I’m a big believer in finishing the job, so my wife leaves the tab attached, so she doesn’t have to get up and throw it away.”

9 Annoying Situations (15 pics)

“This is how my wife stores leftover pizza...”

10 Annoying Situations (15 pics)

“The way my husband cut this pie”

11 Annoying Situations (15 pics)

“This is how my new partner uses her butter. Is she weird?”

12 Annoying Situations (15 pics)

“The way my husband puts away dishes”

13 Annoying Situations (15 pics)

“My wife puts the empty pistachio shells back in the bag.”

14 Annoying Situations (15 pics)

“The way my wife opens and leaves the bread.’”

15 Annoying Situations (15 pics)


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