Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 23 Sep, 2022  |
  • Views: 2689  |
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“This metal water bottle with an app tells you how much water is left in it.”

1 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“The new fanny pack I bought has a little LED attached to the inside to help you find stuff in it in the dark.”

2 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“This highlighter has a see-through part, so you can see what you’re highlighting.”

3 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“I recently moved in to a place with a fitted kitchen. The kitchen has a hidden compartment holding a step stool.”

4 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“My shower has a pressure handle and temperature handle. I always have perfect temperature showers now.”

5 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“I got a waterproof cast on my ankle today. It looks soft, but in reality, it’s hard as a rock.”

6 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“My dishwasher projects the time remaining on the floor because it doesn’t have a visible front panel.”

7 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“The labels on this sweater are sewed onto small scraps of fabric, so it’s easier to cut them, and they don’t leave any itchy residue behind.”

8 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“My shirt’s extra button is sewn onto the side tag.”

9 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

"A comfortable hole for a human index finger or thumb makes unplugging safe and effortless."

10 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

"Thanks to this lid, you can drink directly from the can without worrying about dust, dirt, or microbes."

11 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“The elevator in this Japanese apartment building has a container with food and water, and a portable toilet in case of malfunction.”

12 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

"A sandbox that allows wheelchair users to play in it"

13 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“This juice package explains the life hack to smoothly pour your drink.”

14 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

"You don’t have to look for the little Ls and Rs on your headphones anymore."

15 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“The toilet cubicle door handles we all want”

16 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

"This blister pack has a pull tab for easy opening. No more cutting your fingers on sharp plastic!"

17 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“My gardening tool kit came with a claw glove.”

18 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

"This bathroom lock also works as an accessory tray."

19 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

"This toilet seat has an attachment for toddlers to sit on."

20 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

"This cracker box comes with folds so that you can fit your whole hand into it."

21 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

"Crosswalks in Korea have light bars on the ground to signal people."

22 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“My flight has a smaller tray to prop your phone on. I’ve never seen this before.”

23 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“The room we are staying in has a second door spy for wheelchair users.”

24 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“My waffle maker makes waffles with skulls on them.”

25 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“My dryer door opens from the side or the top.”

26 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)

“You can purchase sewing needles that are already threaded.”

27 Interesting And Useful Designs (27 pics)


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