Unusual Finds (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 Aug, 2022  |
  • Views: 1640  |
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“This juice package explains a life hack for how to smoothly pour your drink.”

1 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

2 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

3 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

4 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

“The ticket inspector punched a tiny train into my rail ticket.”

5 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

“Not all bees are yellow and brown. This is a northern blue-banded bee.”

6 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

7 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

"Heart purse’’

8 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

“These 2 men in a fender bender are dressed in the same colors as their cars.”

9 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

“The sunset looks like a forest fire.”

10 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

"She is beauty, she is grace, she is a pie with a face.’’

11 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

"Our front stairs randomly collapsed today.’’

12 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

’’A little painted rock my wife found outside the hospital’’

13 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

"The singular cucumber my parents grew after a year of gardening’’

14 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

’’A fingerprint baked into this deep-dish pizza crust"

15 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

“Found a little heart while cutting onions.”

16 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

“My glass is slightly bent over.”

17 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

18 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

"The cardinal in my yard had a bald head.’’

19 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

"A spider that looks like a leaf’’

20 Unusual Finds (20 pics)


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