People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 15 Aug, 2022  |
  • Views: 1748  |
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1 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“This patch of hair that grows with no color pigment, lately I’ve thought it’s actually kind of cool.”

2 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“My son was born with natural elf ears.”

3 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“The artificial disks in my spine look like a black hole in this MRI.”

4 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“My geographic tongue. One of 3% of the population.”

5 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“My iris is misshapen, but I have no known eye problems after 25 years!”

6 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“I was born with a leg defect that makes my knee face inward on the sides of my legs.”

7 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“I can lick PAST my elbow.”

8 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“I have a tear drop-shaped birthmark perfectly placed under my right eye.”

9 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“I was born with a hole at the top of my ear that used to ‘cry’ when I cried as a baby.”

10 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“I have a sort of a second ankle. The doctor said he’d never seen this before.”

11 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“I’m double jointed in both my shoulder blades. I look like a booster seat.”

12 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“I can make a ’square’ with my fingers.”

13 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“None of my fingers have a middle joint.”

14 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“I’m the guy with 4 fingers on his right hand!”

15 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“I was born with 6 fingers on my left hand. The old fingernail still grows as a tiny claw out the side.”

16 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“My ring finger has several ’joints’.”

17 People With Unusual Body Features (18 pics)

“Born without a pupil in my left eye”

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