Weird Dishes (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 8 Aug, 2022  |
  • Views: 2020  |
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1 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

I also made stupid food at work. I present deep fried tomato.

2 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

I made fried Strawberry

3 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

i made a loaf of bread using mountain dew baja blast instead of water

4 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

My girlfriend made this pancake. What do I do..?

5 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

mistakes were made

6 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

My roommate wanted to see what happens when you grill eggs

7 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

made hotdogs realized i didn't have any ketchup or mustard so i put baked beans on them instead

8 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

This one guy claims to be a “professional chef” then makes this “tropical twinkie cheesecake.” Idek what to say…

9 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

Microwave pizza i made, recipe in comments!

10 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

Breakfast pancake my daughter made. I thought it was meat!

11 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

My Birthday Cake

12 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

Finished my Cheesecake without the sides of the pan on

13 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

Ran out of tea bags, SO used coffee filters and aluminum foil instead.

14 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

Three different shades of pancakes for lunch

15 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

Some ship's biscuits I made. The hardest substance known to man. When you're really hungry, you can use them to grind up rocks into flour.

16 Weird Dishes (17 pics)

The horrific tradition my family calls “Easter Loaf” (served cold)


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