Weird Food (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 19 Jul, 2022  |
  • Views: 1710  |
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1 Weird Food (17 pics)

“Veggie Taco” served at a taco festival."

2 Weird Food (17 pics)

"The "medium well" burger I ordered."

3 Weird Food (17 pics)

"Hotel offered us takeaway breakfast of pastries and coffees for very early checkout. Opened bag to find this sandwich."

4 Weird Food (17 pics)

"Local Domino's Chocolate Pizza."

5 Weird Food (17 pics)

6 Weird Food (17 pics)

“not bad for someone who doesn’t cook steak often, porterhouse a little over medium rare☺️”

7 Weird Food (17 pics)

8 Weird Food (17 pics)

"Yeah that’s ice cream on a Nashville Fried Chicken Sammy. Messy and not worth $17"

9 Weird Food (17 pics)

"Saw this on my Facebook feed. Simply described as &tonight's tea'. Can't identify a single item on this plate, but it looks like it was dredged up from a stagnant pond."

10 Weird Food (17 pics)

"Daughter ordered a nutella, banana and blueberry crepe on doordash… those arent blueberries, they are black olives with the pit."

11 Weird Food (17 pics)

"My dad makes this every Sunday and eats it over the course of the week. He keeps it in a special corner in the fridge so no one else will eat from it. As if we would ever dare."

12 Weird Food (17 pics)

"I asked if they had grilled chicken sandwiches, and the reply was a confident "Yes."

13 Weird Food (17 pics)

"A friend of mine just sent me a picture of his dinner: A slice of cheese, salt, pepper, tabasco, soy sauce. "

14 Weird Food (17 pics)

15 Weird Food (17 pics)

"Got that Shrek 2 finishing sauce."

16 Weird Food (17 pics)

“Caesar Salad” I got served at a restaurant."

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