Lifehacks For Parents (10 pics)

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  • 15 Jul, 2022  |
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1 Lifehacks For Parents (10 pics)

“Bed tent and a flashlight kept my 2-year-old son busy for 90 min while I relaxed.”

2 Lifehacks For Parents (10 pics)

“Instead of spending 3 minutes trying to explain which compartment stuff’s in, I will now be able to say, “It’s on the orange pocket.”

“Traveling with twins leaves your hands full, and that diaper backpack is a packed maze.”

3 Lifehacks For Parents (10 pics)

“Earlier this week, my child was incredibly sick. Although it wasn’t my first instinct, I made sure to take a quick video on my phone in case it could be useful. When seen by a doctor, the symptoms had largely disappeared. Having the video ended up being really important as the doctor could confirm from the video his diagnosis, and we now have medication to address it properly. “

“If your kids are sick, taking a video could be useful to show the health professionals who are treating your child. We can’t guarantee that our children will show the symptoms that have worried us when they are seen in person, or that we can explain to them the way we need to.”

4 Lifehacks For Parents (10 pics)

“How to keep hand towels from falling on the floor from your kids…”

“We also had a code where if she was asked by a friend if she wanted to stay the night, she put in a text “can I stay at Beth’s House, please?” and it meant she wanted to, but if she did not want to she would leave the please off the end, and I would text her back saying “no” because we had something to do in the morning. Always give them a safe out/exit. They need to feel safe even when they are not with you.”

5 Lifehacks For Parents (10 pics)

“Here’s a thing I Invented today”

6 Lifehacks For Parents (10 pics)

7 Lifehacks For Parents (10 pics)

“Painting with water”

8 Lifehacks For Parents (10 pics)

“I didn’t like it as a kid, but I thank my dad constantly for it now, as an adult. I would get a birthday card with a twenty or something in it.”

9 Lifehacks For Parents (10 pics)

“Daughter wanted kitty cakes for her 4th birthday. Dad to the rescue! I am not a professional.”

10 Lifehacks For Parents (10 pics)

“Daughter wants to work in the garage with dad. Needs hair pulled back. Dad hack 101.”

11 Lifehacks For Parents (10 pics)

“I’m a dad of 2 girls. As they’ve gotten older, there are times they get too embarrassed to tell me things. Got this idea a few years back from.”

“They have been awesome for helping my girls feel comfortable talking to me about anything!”

12 Lifehacks For Parents (10 pics)

“I put giant googly eyes on the garbage can. Now instead of leaving crumbs and random trash on the table, they rush to feed “Trashy.””

13 Lifehacks For Parents (10 pics)

“How to keep your babies feet warm while walking.”

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