People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 11 Jul, 2022  |
  • Views: 1935  |
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1 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

''I always get a double-take from customs because my passport is only 4 months old.”

2 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

3 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

’’When you find out yarn weight and needle size matter in a pattern’’

4 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

’’Yeah, you and me both — no wonder I love this pizza!’’

5 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

’’I made a new art piece today. I call it Cutting Board in the Dishwasher."

6 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

’’The face I made on my first real rollercoaster ride’’

7 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

’’Expectation vs reality’’

8 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

’’Seventh grade me vs 2022 me — it wasn’t a phase, Mom.’’

9 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

’’I wanted to look beautiful but instead, I look like a creepy guy from a Halloween movie.’’

10 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

’’If you think you look ugly in a document, check mine out."

11 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

12 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

"My advice is: Never become a blonde!"

13 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

"Leonardo DiCaprio made a joke at the American Movie Awards ceremony. He said, "Do you engrave Oscars every year? How would I know?""

14 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

15 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

16 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

"This was in my dentist's waiting room."

17 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

18 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

"My boss and I had an ugly sweater competition."

19 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

"So my friend went to the DMV on Halloween..."

20 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

"New workout plan."

21 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

22 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

"When there is nothing to talk about"

23 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

"Job search"

24 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

"It happened. I'm a Disney princess now!"

25 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

"Rice bear under cheese blanket, alien?"

26 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“When you look more like Harry Potter than Harry Potter!”

27 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“When I was 16, my parents commissioned my grandad to paint a portrait of me to raise my self-esteem. It did not.”

28 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“This is why no one talks to me at school.”

29 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“No, I’m not pregnant. I just feel like pregnancy pics are cute, and I want to be involved.”

30 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

31 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

32 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“When no one gives me compliments for a few days, I start thinking that I look exactly like in this small mirror.”

33 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

34 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

35 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“Hi, ladies! Would you like to drop by for a gulp of oxygen or a glass of fluid?”

36 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“I found the perfect Halloween costume. Or is it perfect as an everyday outfit?”

37 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

38 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

39 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

"What do you know about a beautiful life?"

40 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“My dad and I have a tradition of putting me in the Costco cart, and now that I’m nearly 30 we realized it’s borderline sad.”

41 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“I tried taking a selfie while I was underwater.”

42 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“For my birthday this year, I decided to go to my favorite team’s game. To tell you the truth, it could have been a better gift.”

43 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“I took school dances a little too seriously.”

44 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

45 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

46 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

47 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

"This mom turned her son’s broken arm into infinite power."

48 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“Today I welcomed my first child into the world. Here’s a photo of me waking up after passing out in the OR.”

49 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

50 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“My coworker told me today that I always look suspicious. I was very confused as to why she would think that and then remembered I have literally looked like this since I was a baby.”

51 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“I send this to my girlfriend when our arguments aren’t getting anywhere.”

52 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

53 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)

“I work at a hotline and this is my desktop.”

54 People With Self-Irony (60 pics)


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