Annoying Situations (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Jun, 2022  |
  • Views: 2165  |
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“Having to clean this up after a movie”

1 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“The toilet paper at a $30,000,000,000 company”

2 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“My first day as a delivery guy at Domino’s”

3 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“Before you ask, it’s a jackfruit.”

4 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“Just wanted a croissant.”

5 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“Finally got a prize from the claw game... at least I thought I did.”

6 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“I appreciate your late night attempt to clean, random party guest, but wooden cutting boards DO NOT go in the dishwasher.”

7 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“I just spilled a full cup of orange juice all over myself on the last day of vacation. And I didn’t bring an extra pair of pants.”

8 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“Accidentally ran my favorite necklace through the washing machine.”

9 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“Was waiting for a new tree, but got more sidewalk instead.”

10 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“My sister is borrowing my car and pissed someone off because she kept parking in the handicapped parking space.”

11 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“So they keyed my car in retaliation.”

“This $10 salad I paid for at a restaurant.”

12 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“Found some graffiti on my fence this morning. Just finished putting it up a couple weeks ago.”

13 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“Get away from me you creep.”

14 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“How they cut the cake at my aunt’s birthday.”

15 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“I was mowing the lawn and found some money.”

16 Annoying Situations (17 pics)

“Faceplanted onto asphalt yesterday. Literally my nightmare.”

17 Annoying Situations (17 pics)


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