Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 6 Jun, 2022  |
  • Views: 1232  |
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“Warned my friend about buying online. Hope he learned his lesson.”

1 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

''Still tastes good but looks like it’s come from someone’s tortured bowels.”

2 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

“I mean...it looks equally as bad as the picture on the box.”

3 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

“Another warning of thinking it’s gonna look as cool as the advertisement. Go ahead, roast me.”

4 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

“Creamy butterscotch drops...not so creamy.”

5 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

“The laptop stand I ordered vs the laptop ‘stand’ I got”

6 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

7 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

“Well, these ’fully dimmable’ lamps are a disappointment.”

8 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

“Are you kidding me?”

9 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

“Not ordering from them again.”

10 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

“I bought an electric hobby drill for my plastic models, which turned out to be a plastic model itself.”

11 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

“What I ordered vs what I got”

12 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

“The tissues my mom bought weren’t cut.”

13 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

“I’ve never seen such false advertising before. Dog food in a tortilla anyone?”

14 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

“I think they forgot the pink.”

15 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)

Bonus: “I didn’t have any expectations when I bought it, but somehow they were met.”

16 Expectations Against Reality (16 pics)


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