Weird Designs (36 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Jun, 2022  |
  • Views: 4107  |
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1 Weird Designs (36 pics)

2 Weird Designs (36 pics)

3 Weird Designs (36 pics)

4 Weird Designs (36 pics)

5 Weird Designs (36 pics)

6 Weird Designs (36 pics)

7 Weird Designs (36 pics)

"Saw This Sink In A Bathroom Showroom And Thought Of You My Friends. It Has Actual Fish In It"

8 Weird Designs (36 pics)

"Bride Decided This Was The Best Way To Display Her Dress After The Wedding"

9 Weird Designs (36 pics)

10 Weird Designs (36 pics)

11 Weird Designs (36 pics)

"This Was A Sink In A Public Bathroom"

12 Weird Designs (36 pics)

"(it does have a drain, it’s just hard to see under the bubbles) it’s flat, theres ridges in it that go about an inch deep into the sink to resemble rock or something. It’s obviously covered in grime and soap residue. Might have been cool in someone’s house, but not in a public bathroom like this"

13 Weird Designs (36 pics)

"I Present To You My Desk Chair"

14 Weird Designs (36 pics)

"I hate it. It was here when I got here. The bumps are hard plastic and extremely uncomfortable also the back has no give whatsoever. I work in the office part of a warehouse and everything gets super dirty here. Not looking forward to cleaning it which I can imagine will be done with a toothbrush."

15 Weird Designs (36 pics)

"My Toes And Shins Hurt Just Looking At This. Hope You Like Cobwebs"

16 Weird Designs (36 pics)

17 Weird Designs (36 pics)

18 Weird Designs (36 pics)

19 Weird Designs (36 pics)

20 Weird Designs (36 pics)

21 Weird Designs (36 pics)

22 Weird Designs (36 pics)

23 Weird Designs (36 pics)

24 Weird Designs (36 pics)

25 Weird Designs (36 pics)

"The Pieces That Are Overlapped Would Be A Nuisance To Polish! And As Someone Easily Distracted I Wouldn't Know What Piece Of Mirror To Look In When Using It But That's Just Me"

26 Weird Designs (36 pics)

27 Weird Designs (36 pics)

28 Weird Designs (36 pics)

29 Weird Designs (36 pics)

30 Weird Designs (36 pics)

"This Chest...the Cuts Are Like 5cm Deep In Some Spots..."

31 Weird Designs (36 pics)

32 Weird Designs (36 pics)

"These Ceiling Mics In The Choir Room At My School"

33 Weird Designs (36 pics)

34 Weird Designs (36 pics)

35 Weird Designs (36 pics)


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