Kids Fails (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Jun, 2022  |
  • Views: 1353  |
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“My friend’s son made this for Father’s Day.”

1 Kids Fails (15 pics)

“He didn’t want his shoes to get wet, so he put paper bags on his feet.”

2 Kids Fails (15 pics)

“My daughter thought this was her. Bonus: my son is in the background.”

3 Kids Fails (15 pics)

“My son feeding his fake dog goldfish while his real dog sits outside, pissed”

4 Kids Fails (15 pics)

“My daughter felt one straw was not enough...”

5 Kids Fails (15 pics)

“I sat on the toilet, closed the door, and my 2 year-old decided I wasn’t being fast enough.”

6 Kids Fails (15 pics)

“My kids have disabled my iPod for 45 years.”

7 Kids Fails (15 pics)

“Caught my son watching cartoons at 3 AM. He didn’t expect to be caught.”

8 Kids Fails (15 pics)

“My son just made a huge mess. This is his ’just let me explain’ face.”

9 Kids Fails (15 pics)

“My daughter looks like she just destroyed an entire Sith army.”

10 Kids Fails (15 pics)

“Took my daughter out for a nice dinner...”

11 Kids Fails (15 pics)

“Me when I went back in the bathtub in my pajamas as it was draining after my mom got me ready for bed.”

12 Kids Fails (15 pics)

“Playing hide and seek with my kids and this is how I found my daughter.”

13 Kids Fails (15 pics)

“My 2-year-old daughter drew a pillow with chalk, then laid down for a nap...”

14 Kids Fails (15 pics)

“Went to bed last night and almost had a heart attack. My daughter insisted she had to print something for school.”

15 Kids Fails (15 pics)


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