Annoying Situations (21 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 31 May, 2022  |
  • Views: 1464  |
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“Nobody did the dishes while I was gone for 3 days because ’It’s your responsibility.’”

1 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“I would like to share with you all the time I was politely dissed by R.L. Stine. I was in 4th Grade and mailed my book to him to autograph.”

2 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“My chocolate chip granola bar had ONE chocolate chip.”

3 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“This completely flat spoon I was given to eat my soup with.”

4 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

"Let’s hear it for the cruel being who put muscle pain medications on the lowest shelf... Very user-friendly, guys, really!"

5 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“Never swore more in my life. Spent all day meticulously taping so I’d have nice strait lines on the ceiling. Even worse, I don’t know what brand or shade of white the previous owner used on the ceiling.”

6 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“Somebody rearranged the keys in computer class”

7 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“I just spent 20 minutes trying to pick this monstrosity off.”

8 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“As a retail worker myself, this makes us angry. It takes 30 seconds to put it back where you found it.”

9 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“My mom had just finishing cleaning the kitchen and then spilled a bag of Chia seeds on the ground.”

10 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“Don’t you hate it when sinks are made like this?”

11 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“Attempted to take $60 out. Got stuck and I couldn’t get it out. Then it sucked it back in and still took $60 out of my account!”

12 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“Yesterday my pen exploded in my dryer. Today, this when I get home after another 13-hour workday.”

13 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“I made coffee while I was still half-asleep.”

14 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“I wish I hadn’t bothered aligning them so I never would’ve noticed...”

15 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“The fact that you can dislike a YouTube comment, but it doesn’t say how many dislikes there are.”

16 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“Tried to ask her to move her hair but she just ignored me.”

17 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“I’m starting to think this view isn’t worth having golfers aiming directly at our home.”

18 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“Roommate broke the toilet seat. No worries though. He replaced it.”

19 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

"When you think doing your makeup in the car will save you time and you actually realize it might have been better to not wear makeup at all..."

20 Annoying Situations (21 pics)

“Have cats they said, it’ll be fun they said...” (no cats were harmed and no plants were seriously injured)

21 Annoying Situations (21 pics)


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