Funny Fails (40 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 30 May, 2022  |
  • Views: 2252  |
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"My grandpa thought his headphone jack was a screw hole."

1 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"User spilt coffee on his laptop - so he put it in the oven to dry it out..."

2 Funny Fails (40 pics)

3 Funny Fails (40 pics)

“Was painting the edges of the floor and dipped the brush in a fresh cup of coffee.”

4 Funny Fails (40 pics)

5 Funny Fails (40 pics)

6 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"I said "put it in rice." Not "put rice in it.""

7 Funny Fails (40 pics)

8 Funny Fails (40 pics)

“Got rudely awaken by the sound of everything in my kitchen cupboards crashing to the floor.”

9 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"I said "put it in rice." Not "put rice in it.""

10 Funny Fails (40 pics)

11 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"My buddy fell in a pool with his phone and thought it was a good idea to dry it out in the oven"

12 Funny Fails (40 pics)

13 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"Client sat up in his recliner with his new MacBook in the crack."

14 Funny Fails (40 pics)

“A worm in my salmon.”

15 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"My friend drilled holes in his mouse to make it lighter so it would give him an "advantage"."

16 Funny Fails (40 pics)

“Drove by a gardener using a weed whacker which flung a rock right at my window..”

17 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"What could go wrong if I dye my hair in front of my laptop?"

18 Funny Fails (40 pics)

“I got my box filled with ketchup at work today!”

19 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"Customer came in with his iPhone, his glass cracked, he thought he could peel off the glass so he wouldn't notice the crack anymore."

20 Funny Fails (40 pics)

“Left my work gloves outside for a couple of days. Went to got them and found this.”

21 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"I need somewhere to set this candle....oh here’s a good spot!"

22 Funny Fails (40 pics)

“Went back home after a horrible day just to find that my dinner was full of mold..”

23 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"One of my co-workers was eager to unpack her new mouse."

24 Funny Fails (40 pics)

“Can’t get into work this morning cause the closer didn’t realize they took home the core to the door lock.”

25 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"My fan was making too much noise!"

26 Funny Fails (40 pics)

“Amazon literally sent me an empty bag and the delivery picture shows it was open. (Say hi to my invisible graphics card).”

27 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"Glass desk cracked mid session"

28 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"Ripped off what I thought was protective plastic from a new monitor. It was the polarizing film."

29 Funny Fails (40 pics)

30 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"When your screen overheats."

31 Funny Fails (40 pics)

“Whole kitchen sink just fell out of the counter.”

32 Funny Fails (40 pics)

33 Funny Fails (40 pics)

“Tried to put a backpack on, the watch strap broke and now a loving gift from my parents is broken.”

34 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"Working IT at a highschool. Kid left his Chromebook on a lit stove."

35 Funny Fails (40 pics)

36 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"My friend tried to remove the scratches on his iPod with sandpaper."

37 Funny Fails (40 pics)

"User tried to clean out the charging port with an air compressor."

38 Funny Fails (40 pics)

39 Funny Fails (40 pics)


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