Fails In Houses (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 19 May, 2022  |
  • Views: 1288  |
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"Parents bought a house and while checking out the kitchen…"

1 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"I’m starting to think this view isn’t worth golfers aiming directly at our homes"

2 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"Not one single fuse labeled in my new home."

3 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"I posted this a few years ago, but here’s that time my neighbors’ house got broken into by a wild turkey"

4 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"This is my view from the bathroom floor, looking at the hole in the ceiling I just fell through."

5 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

6 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"Wife and I saved for years to build our dream cabin in the woods and less than two years later an abandoned house across the road decided to open up a tobacco store and light themselves up like the beacons of Gondor."

7 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"This is a wall at my friend’s house…"

8 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"Was getting ready for bed, walked into my bedroom to this."

9 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"My beanbag popped, any tips for collecting the white balls?"

10 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"Bought my first house and it came with a shed. Turns out the previous owner wired the shed himself and rewired parts of the house"

11 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"I went to replace a switch and found the previous worker used tape instead of wire nuts. Time to check the whole house."

12 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"Microwave door blew up. House built one year ago"

13 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"Follow up to the honey bees swarming the side of my house. Bee keeper is here saving them. They were building a new hive."

14 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

“I think I left a window open last night, not sure.”

15 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"A neighbor’s “security” light that they keep on 24/7"

16 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"Newly purchased house reno…"

17 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"After two years living in my house, I came home to learn my mantelpiece was just glued on."

18 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"Whole kitchen sink just fell out of the counter"

19 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"Got rudely awakened by the sound of everything in my kitchen cupboards crashing to the floor."

20 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"Just bought my first house. Was told there was hardwood under all the carpet. Tested a discreet corner in the closet, which did in fact have hardwood beneath. But not the living room. Looks like I’ll be spending too much money on new flooring now…"

21 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

"Left our totally normal house to run errands. Came back an hour and a half later to this."

22 Fails In Houses (22 pics)

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