Weird Animals (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 May, 2022  |
  • Views: 1314  |
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“A thorny devil found in central Australia”

1 Weird Animals (15 pics)

“I found a luna moth on my hike today.”

2 Weird Animals (15 pics)

“A close up of possibly one of the cutest moths I’ve ever seen”

3 Weird Animals (15 pics)

“My mother and girlfriend found this on the beach today.”

4 Weird Animals (15 pics)

“Looks like a typical tree monitor, but in black.”

5 Weird Animals (15 pics)

"A male polyphemus moth"

6 Weird Animals (15 pics)

"A Madagascar moon moth — a moth that is a giant in the world of moths"

7 Weird Animals (15 pics)

“This beautiful, colorful sea slug looks like it’s on fire.”

8 Weird Animals (15 pics)

“Demon-horned orb weaver, a spider species that has giant stiff horns so that predatory birds will have trouble trying to swallow them and choke”

9 Weird Animals (15 pics)

"This is a glass squid, along with the same squid a moment after it was removed from the water."

10 Weird Animals (15 pics)

“Took this photo on the roof of the building where my apartment is. The fly wouldn’t move, even when I came very close.”

11 Weird Animals (15 pics)

"Crown jellyfish, 95% water"

12 Weird Animals (15 pics)

"A very big bug"

13 Weird Animals (15 pics)

“This is not an alien! It is the lobster moth caterpillar found in the Netherlands.”

14 Weird Animals (15 pics)

“Found this little buddy under a chunk of cement. I don’t know what it is.”

15 Weird Animals (15 pics)


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№1 Author: Bruce Burbank (12 May 2022 03:44) Total user comments: 429

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#12 all jellyfish are 95% water, by the way.

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