Annoying Situations (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 May, 2022  |
  • Views: 3865  |
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“This is how they sliced our pizza.”

1 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

"Who knew socks could be mildly annoying?"

2 Annoying Situations (22 pics)


3 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

“This is how it came from the factory.”

4 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

“I mean, it’ll take you like 5 more seconds to place it right.”

5 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

“The way my friend eats her ice cream”

6 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

"This is what thinking outside the box at the wrong moment looks like."

7 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

"Can you spot the mistake?"

8 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

“One of these is not like the others...”

9 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

“Our toilet seat broke so the landlady sent us a new one and ignored our request for it to be square.”

10 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

"The worst sidewalk"

11 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

“The tilted glassware in this restaurant makes me uncomfortable.”

12 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

“Please tell me who’s responsible for this...”

13 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

“Our household of 4 has somehow produced 163 mismatched socks.”

14 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

“Did you want salt or pepper? Wrong!”

15 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

“The design of this pillowcase makes it look like there are bugs crawling on it.”

16 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

“My friend rearranged my keys on my keyboard.”

17 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

“My wife likes to keep dog food beside coffee beans. Guess what I did at 5:30 a.m. this morning?”

18 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

“When the teabag string falls into the cup...”

19 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

"These forks"

20 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

"When zippers break like this:"

21 Annoying Situations (22 pics)

"We were today-years-old when we noticed Tom Cruise’s front tooth is in the middle of his face."

22 Annoying Situations (22 pics)


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