Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 11 May, 2022  |
  • Views: 1327  |
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“This bag of jerky with flosser included. It came in handy!”

1 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

2 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

“A packet of olive oil shaped like an olive.”

3 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

“The shampoo bottle has hair so kids can practice.”

4 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

“The cheese and the packaging could not have lined up any better!”

5 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

"An honest label that also tells you how much product is in the bottle."

6 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

"Cool diaper boxes that turn into a treasure chest and a rocket."

7 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

“This glacial water bottle.”

8 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

“If you look at the logo with the flicked ’T’ at the end, the entire word is a dog looking back at its tail.”

9 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

“The barcode for this pasta product.”

10 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

"Apparently, creative bar codes are really a thing."

11 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

“This dog DNA test kit has a logo that looks both like a dog, and the center of a structural formula that codes genomes.”

12 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

“The way these images line up even with different products.”

13 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

“Air cushions made out of paper. This is better than producing bags made out of thin plastic.”

14 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

15 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)

“My local supermarket puts stickers on mangoes to make them look like birds.”

16 Interesting Packagings (16 pics)


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