Odd Designs (23 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 6 May, 2022  |
  • Views: 2157  |
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"This Sponge Bob will visit me in my nightmares."

1 Odd Designs (23 pics)

"Dishes with ants. Are you still hungry?"

2 Odd Designs (23 pics)

3 Odd Designs (23 pics)

"A nice Easter picture to color"

4 Odd Designs (23 pics)

"Extreme wheelchairing"

5 Odd Designs (23 pics)

“Oh, thank you for adding this much needed gripping point.”

6 Odd Designs (23 pics)

"A criminal that the Warwickshire police tried to find."

7 Odd Designs (23 pics)

8 Odd Designs (23 pics)

"The circle on this volume control isn’t centered on the line."

9 Odd Designs (23 pics)

"Where do I throw away my food?"

10 Odd Designs (23 pics)

“My textbook has a video for me to watch.”

11 Odd Designs (23 pics)

"Why did they need to photoshop a trashcan?"

12 Odd Designs (23 pics)

13 Odd Designs (23 pics)

"Very strange logo"

14 Odd Designs (23 pics)

“Neither drawer can open completely.”

15 Odd Designs (23 pics)

16 Odd Designs (23 pics)

"What’s the time? 4:30 or 4:33?"

17 Odd Designs (23 pics)

18 Odd Designs (23 pics)

“The old packaging trick.”

19 Odd Designs (23 pics)

“Big packaging for 4 small pieces.”

20 Odd Designs (23 pics)

21 Odd Designs (23 pics)

22 Odd Designs (23 pics)


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