Genius Ideas (30 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 27 Apr, 2022  |
  • Views: 1514  |
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"This guy has built a small village on top of his car."

1 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“Wind chime made of forks”

2 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

3 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“Owning the aerodynamics”

4 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“Found this in my basement: a pan taped to chair legs.”

5 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“An antique phone upcycled into a lamp”

6 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“My mom’s necklace holder”

7 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“An egg timer that shows you how hard your egg is by cooking it with the egg.”

8 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“Somebody added a cast-iron skillet to their brick wall.”

9 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“The table in the tractor museum is made out of a tractor engine.”

10 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“My town’s municipal service cut down a tree that was threatening to fall on the road and made a bench out of the trunk.”

11 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“Class with no glass”

12 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“LP Record ’bowl,’ found at the Goodwill I work at”

13 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“I made a spoon clip so that your spoon won’t fall into your cereal/soup.”

14 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“An inside out and back to front cycle”

15 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

"A touchless dispenser"

16 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“When you ask a welder to fix something for you”

17 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“Home alone — had no help replacing the bottom washer.”

18 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“We needed to disassemble a shelf in an office and we didn’t have a mallet. Rubber bands + hammer = mallet.”

19 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“When you don’t have a humidifier, and the recent cold snap has made your home too dry”

20 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“Didn’t have the proper materials while baking a cake last night, so my husband improvised.”

21 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“My buddy’s pizza oven”

22 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“When you need that XXL canopy”

23 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“Built my own skates instead of buying them.”

24 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“A recycled toothbrush holder”

25 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“My new air purifier”

26 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“It blows my mind that people actually pay for soft jaw pliers when almost everyone has old socks they don’t wear anymore.”

27 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

28 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

“Finishing a steak on a chimney starter”

29 Genius Ideas (30 pics)

30 Genius Ideas (30 pics)


№1 Author: EngineerAl (27 Apr 2022 15:54) Total user comments: 477

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#3 Yes, that's much better than just putting the phone on top of the power brick.

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