Look Twice (39 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 22 Apr, 2022  |
  • Views: 2684  |
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“In this picture of me, my left leg mysteriously disappeared when the picture was taken. I am not an amputee.”

1 Look Twice (39 pics)

“These cats aren’t connected.”

2 Look Twice (39 pics)

“Picture? What picture?”

3 Look Twice (39 pics)

“My big red pupil looks like a planet.”

4 Look Twice (39 pics)

“Our security camera and our hanging lights make our customers look like they’re wearing wizard hats.”

5 Look Twice (39 pics)

“Giant electrical outlets dangling before the camera”

6 Look Twice (39 pics)

“The ‘Plug into the Future’ machine has a big fake outlet in front of it. It’s standing on 2 blue posts on the left and right. Check the bottom right of the outlet and follow the blue line down to get a better grasp of the base.”

“The cellphone antennas on top of this building resemble a distant city skyline.”

7 Look Twice (39 pics)

“I was testing out my phone’s camera when I noticed the apartments in this building seem to be floating in the air.”

8 Look Twice (39 pics)

“A mug full of tea that looks like a frying pan”

9 Look Twice (39 pics)

“My face in the snow appears like it’s popping out.”

10 Look Twice (39 pics)

“The bottom of a door or a skyline from the water?”

11 Look Twice (39 pics)

“Hold on little man, it might be a bumpy ride!”

12 Look Twice (39 pics)

“All I wanted was a picture of my daughter watching TV without my weird arm in the way.”

13 Look Twice (39 pics)

“A kitten napping in a toy truck”

14 Look Twice (39 pics)

“The snow on these mountains is actually buildings.”

15 Look Twice (39 pics)

“My reflection made it look like this dog was wearing a wig.”

16 Look Twice (39 pics)

“My fish ice cube grew a shark fin.”

17 Look Twice (39 pics)

“My daughter seems to be levitating or badly photoshopped in this glacier pic.”

18 Look Twice (39 pics)

“Levitating brownie”

19 Look Twice (39 pics)

“The more I look at it, the less I can make sense of it.”

20 Look Twice (39 pics)

“Took a picture of a pizza and noticed my cat looked 2D.”

21 Look Twice (39 pics)

"This is not a sticker or an embroidery patch, it’s a tattoo."

22 Look Twice (39 pics)

23 Look Twice (39 pics)

“Our kitten sitting between our Great Dane’s paws.”

24 Look Twice (39 pics)

“Took this picture right as my mom hit the rough part of the road and it came out strange.”

25 Look Twice (39 pics)

“The reflection of the bathroom mirror makes it look like we have an outdoor cinema going on.”

26 Look Twice (39 pics)

“My cat is in a strange position where it seems to be missing 2 paws.”

27 Look Twice (39 pics)

“This super clear and reflective lake makes it look like fish are swimming over a forest in the clouds.”

28 Look Twice (39 pics)

“Sandy banks on a beach.”

29 Look Twice (39 pics)

“This is not a mirror.”

30 Look Twice (39 pics)

“A rail support on a tram.”

31 Look Twice (39 pics)

“My shepherd/Pitbull mix switches breeds depending on whether he’s shaved or not.”

32 Look Twice (39 pics)

“I was moving at the exact same speed as the motorist so he’s not blurry.”

33 Look Twice (39 pics)

“You can see the sunrise in the mirror but not in the actual window.”

34 Look Twice (39 pics)

“How my face is not reflected in this mirror, but is in the mirror’s reflection of itself.”

35 Look Twice (39 pics)

“That’s not a necklace. Her drool joined together when she was waiting for treats.”

36 Look Twice (39 pics)

“This not yet opened Poppy flower looks like it grew teeth.”

37 Look Twice (39 pics)

"Not a landscape photo, just a close-up of the top of a broken fence post."

38 Look Twice (39 pics)

“A reflective light switch on a mirror.”

39 Look Twice (39 pics)


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