Cool Fails (51 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 14 Apr, 2022  |
  • Views: 1572  |
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“Tried my hand at sledding today.”

1 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“I’ve been looking for my third shaker spiral ball for a couple of weeks now.”

2 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“New cable lines installed, boss!”

3 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“So my girlfriend tried to take a picture with her puppy when a bird slammed into the window.”

4 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“Fiancée tried to make doughnuts but added too much butter. I introduce to you, the muffnut.”

5 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“My friend dressed up as his mom & tried to get his phone back.”

6 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“Security tried to get this cat out of my local supermarket. Failed.”

7 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“My friend wanted to take a nice picture of her daughter.”

8 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“I’m literally in a bathroom stall at work right now covered in clown paint. I just tried wiping it off and it’s not coming off.”

9 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“Candy lips, Expectation vs Reality”

10 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“Never ask your hairdresser for ’something different.’”

11 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“Nailed it. I tried doing ombre nails for the first time.”

12 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“Grew my hair out for 4 years. It was at the healthiest it had been in my entire adult life. This is what I asked for vs what I got.”

13 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“My buddies’ dog really got that good haircut.”

14 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“Downside: having this on the back of my head. Upside: everyone found it hilarious.”

15 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“Wanted a simple manicure for my wedding in March. Here is what I got. I was upset but also couldn’t stop laughing.”

16 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“Today I celebrate the 2-year anniversary of breaking off my front tooth. By breaking off the other one on a piece of bacon.”

17 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“I had a lot of a laughs when that inflatable thing came in.”

18 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“I bought period underwear.”

19 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“These 2 bras are labeled as the same size.”

20 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“My wife just bought a new dress. Now I need to throw the car off a cliff.”

21 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“This can of chips I just bought”

22 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“I bought ’silver’ wrapping paper, only to find out it’s clear.”

23 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“What I thought I bought vs what I got”

24 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“This is what my super expensive couch looks like 2 years after buying it.”

25 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“The tag on my new sports bra had 24 pages.”

26 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“My friend bought the mask of Walter White from Breaking Bad.”

27 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“Those 2 dots are the cream.”

28 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“Just don’t order anything from social media ads.”

29 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“These alligator socks I bought my partner for Christmas”

30 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“I ordered a dress shirt online and it came with a security tag still attached.”

31 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“A hair styling doll I bought for my daughter”

32 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“This toiletry trash can that opens into the other stall.”

33 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“My girlfriend thought she found the perfect winter coat until she put the hood up.”

34 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“You’d better not drop your card while you’re withdrawing cash.”

35 Cool Fails (51 pics)

36 Cool Fails (51 pics)

37 Cool Fails (51 pics)

38 Cool Fails (51 pics)

39 Cool Fails (51 pics)

40 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“The bottom of the dice bag I got isn’t even sewn in, so all the dice get mixed up.”

41 Cool Fails (51 pics)

42 Cool Fails (51 pics)

43 Cool Fails (51 pics)

44 Cool Fails (51 pics)

45 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“Just some casual kiwi eating another kiwi.”

46 Cool Fails (51 pics)

47 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“When airlines want to give you lollipops.”

48 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“I moved while a panoramic photo was being taken, and ended up looking like a Picasso painting.”

49 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“I let my cousin cut my hair. Turns out I’m a Beltcher.”

50 Cool Fails (51 pics)

“I tried to grow my own pineapple, but unfortunately my dad skill isn’t high enough yet.”

51 Cool Fails (51 pics)


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