Awful Designs (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 13 Apr, 2022  |
  • Views: 995  |
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1 Awful Designs (19 pics)

"They took “open space” a little too far on this one."

2 Awful Designs (19 pics)

These are stairs…

3 Awful Designs (19 pics)

"Carpet design looks like someone puked on it."

4 Awful Designs (19 pics)

5 Awful Designs (19 pics)

"This sign on the wall of a restaurant I went to last night."

6 Awful Designs (19 pics)

7 Awful Designs (19 pics)

"This accessible toilet at a healthcare facility."

8 Awful Designs (19 pics)

"This annoys me every time I come here. What is it even supposed to say?"

9 Awful Designs (19 pics)

Pie charts aren't THAT hard

10 Awful Designs (19 pics)

11 Awful Designs (19 pics)

12 Awful Designs (19 pics)

"Dublin Airport didn't think this through."

13 Awful Designs (19 pics)

"This pedestrian sidewalk."

14 Awful Designs (19 pics)

15 Awful Designs (19 pics)

"The elevator arrows at my uni point in the same direction."

16 Awful Designs (19 pics)

17 Awful Designs (19 pics)

18 Awful Designs (19 pics)

Weird stain print sheets.

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