Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 13 Apr, 2022  |
  • Views: 3255  |
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1 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

2 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

3 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"Flooded state hospital tunnels"

4 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"Butrón (Basque: Butroeko gaztelua) is abandoned castle located in Gatika, in the province of Biscay, in northern Spain."

5 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"Old Greek Orphanage on an island in the Bosphorus"

6 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"35 years ago, on April 26, The reactor 4 of the Chernobyl powerplant exploded. Here is its control room, inside the protective shelter"

7 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"An abandoned Sears inside of a local mall."

8 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"Abandoned Prison X-ray Machine"

9 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"Abandoned concert hall in Moscow"

10 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

11 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

12 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"An old abandoned schoolhouse at Gleniff Horseshoe, Sligo, Ireland."

13 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"Hallway of an abandoned adult ed center (used to be a preschool). Riverside, MI."

14 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"Abandoned Water Slide at a Park in NS, Canada."

15 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"Abandoned house where everything is left behind - But there is no wallpaper left anymore."

16 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

17 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

18 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

19 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

20 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

21 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

22 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"Autopsy Room in an Abandoned Ten-Story Hospital in the Midwest"

23 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"They don’t make elevators like they used to. That’s for sure. Factory, USA"

24 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"Abandoned City Hall station, New York. The metro station was closed on December 31, 1945, because of its proximity to the Brooklyn Bridge station."

25 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

26 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"Abandoned Entrance to Croop’s Glen Amusement Park, Hunlock Creek, PA"

27 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"Standard Consolodate Mining Company Stamp Mill. Bodie CA."

28 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

29 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

30 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"This castle was abandoned about twenty years ago. Magnificent exterior with breathtaking architecture ... For me, this is a great example of how beautiful abandoned buildings can be."

31 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)

"Abandoned grand hotel resort since 2011 - New Hampshire"

32 Scary Abandoned Places (32 pics)


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