Funny Finds (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 8 Apr, 2022  |
  • Views: 1667  |
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“I told my fiancé I got him the perfect 30th birthday cake... it wasn’t what he expected.”

1 Funny Finds (19 pics)

“This shop consultant will recommend the best food for your cat!”

2 Funny Finds (19 pics)

“My local fish and chip shop loves Kanye loving fish sticks.”

3 Funny Finds (19 pics)

4 Funny Finds (19 pics)

“Found this in my Amazon package.”

5 Funny Finds (19 pics)

“A mouse ate my Tootsie Pop.”

6 Funny Finds (19 pics)

“The height of pettiness seen in a UK car park today”

7 Funny Finds (19 pics)

“Walked into my kid’s room to find Buzz about to beat Woody. I swear he didn’t leave them like that...”

8 Funny Finds (19 pics)

“Someone must have shaken my bag of Haribos.”

9 Funny Finds (19 pics)

“One of my town’s cemeteries has an LED ’welcome’ sign.”

10 Funny Finds (19 pics)

11 Funny Finds (19 pics)

12 Funny Finds (19 pics)

13 Funny Finds (19 pics)

“Sending a framed art piece to a friend... It is not Italian art, but it’s still very Fra-GEE-leh!”

14 Funny Finds (19 pics)

“The man in the closet organizer! I am fixing up my kid’s closet, looked down, saw this, and almost fell off the ladder!”

15 Funny Finds (19 pics)

“My package arrived empty, they offered me a new item if I sent the other back in less than 30 days. That might be a problem.”

16 Funny Finds (19 pics)

17 Funny Finds (19 pics)

18 Funny Finds (19 pics)

“2 suspicious characters were parked at Gelsons yesterday.”

19 Funny Finds (19 pics)


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