Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 7 Apr, 2022  |
  • Views: 1387  |
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1 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

2 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

3 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“Found this bead while sweeping the floor, thought, ’Oh no, my bracelet broke,’ but nope, it’s perfectly fine.”

4 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“My gym teacher and I were matching by accident today.”

5 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

6 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

7 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“Toasting some sesame seeds and when I stopped swirling the pan, Pac-Man appeared.”

8 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“I coincidentally walked at the right time of day for the railing shadow to match the path divider.”

9 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

10 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

11 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

12 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

13 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“My friend just bought a house and didn’t think his sectional would fit in the new living room...”

14 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“My mother-in-law’s outfit accidentally matches the restaurant’s flooring.”

15 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“I found the piece on the right on a Norfolk beach in August, and the piece on the left on the same beach 2 days ago!”

16 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“Today, my friend accidentally dressed like a mannequin at the street market.”

17 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

"These 3 cars parked like a stoplight."

18 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“Couldn’t find my shirt this morning.”

19 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

20 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

21 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“Wrapped a gift and accidentally lined up the cut-off edge perfectly.”

22 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

23 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“I just cut 2 different peppers and they match each other. The result is really satisfying.”

24 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

25 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“This TV uses the same picture as the puzzle I’m about to buy.”

26 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

27 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

28 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“This random car matched the color of my nails.”

29 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“I found a sneaker print in concrete that matched the shoe I was wearing.”

30 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

31 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“I lost my hat about a month ago. I found this homeless man who found it. What a coincidence.”

32 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“The color of my wife’s shoes matches this bag of chips.”

33 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“Discovered this old chocolate box in my attic, just so happens that the best before date is actually my 3rd birthday (20/03/92).”

34 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

“My cup color perfectly matches the color of sunset.”

35 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

36 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)

37 Funny Coincidences (37 pics)


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