Awesome Finds (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 6 Apr, 2022  |
  • Views: 3860  |
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1 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“Actual cashews with the nut on top in a Brazilian supermarket.”

2 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“My brother found a .50 bullet encased in coral at the beach today.”

3 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“My phone vibrated when I was taking this photo.”

4 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“My cat has 26 toes (18 is normal)”

5 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“$320 pesos ( $16 dollars) of vegetables and fruits here in México.”

6 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“This caterpillar train I saw at the park today.”

7 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“This kitchen counter along with an empty drinking glass sort of looks like a death star in space.”

8 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“This ice patch I found that looks like a feather.”

9 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“Notification that there may be a child with autism in the vehicle, in case of emergency.”

10 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“My job has a room for taking a nap. The room also has a gigantic roll of paper towels in case you have a cold.”

11 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“I have a stream running directly under my entire house.”

12 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“Loads of fingernail marks the chair at my dentists.”

13 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“The “American” section in an English supermarket.”

14 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“A sculpture made from discarded wood crates.”

15 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“My husbands uncles have used the same birthday card since 1974.”

16 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“There was one heart shaped treat in my dog’s bone shaped treats.”

17 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“I found a footprint that looks like Edgar Allen Poe.”

18 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“I installed a climbing system for my cats.”

19 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“This add-on camera for my cell phone back in the day.”

20 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“This chair is made of wood.”

21 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“I just found out my copy of Hitchhiker’s Guide glows in the dark.”

22 Awesome Finds (22 pics)

“The store in my new town has a specific aisle where you can meet up with your spouse if you get separated.”

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