Recycled Items (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Apr, 2022  |
  • Views: 1096  |
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“I made this from non-recyclable chip packets, it’s pretty impractical but designed to be a statement.”

1 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“A gum recycling depot at a train station in Britain”

2 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“These coffee cups are made out of recycled coffee grounds.”

3 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“I recycled some old fire extinguishers and turned them into pendant lights.”

4 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“My team and I are making a shoe from about 90% recycled materials.”

5 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“This shopping cart is made from recycled milk bottles!”

6 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“A charcuterie board made entirely from waste bottle tops”

7 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“My first attempt at an upcycled rope rug — pretty happy with how it turned out.”

8 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“I recycled some cans and I think they look perfect.”

9 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“A guitar built from recycled skateboards”

10 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“A blue whale made out of recycled plastics”

11 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“Reusing an old rake”

12 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“The drained water of this sink is reused for flushing the toilet.”

13 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“I work at a travel agency where I reuse our outdated maps as wrapping paper.”

14 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“My favorite pen is made out of a flattened circuit board.”

15 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“I built a chicken coop for free out of materials from Craigslist.”

16 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“This table set is made from cardboard.”

17 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“Made my own gaming chair from a car seat.”

18 Recycled Items (19 pics)

“This sketchbook made from real recycled circuit boards”

19 Recycled Items (19 pics)


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