Funny Situations (53 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 14 Mar, 2022  |
  • Views: 2234  |
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“Grandparents’ first time at a Japanese restaurant”

1 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“Never have I seen a shirt so true until I put this one on my kid.”

2 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“My buddy the first time he went to the vet”

3 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“We’re adopting a dog soon so we have the neighbor bring his dog over so our cats get used to them. Tonight, this happened.”

4 Funny Situations (53 pics)

5 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“We all have that one friend.”

6 Funny Situations (53 pics)

7 Funny Situations (53 pics)

8 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“The wife said that now that we have a baby I will stop playing PC games.”

9 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“Next door has a new kitten. We have rabbits.”

10 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“My friend is terrified of babies. This is his first time holding one.”

11 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“I fed my friend’s baby goat and she ate my finger!”

12 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“Let my kitten outside for the first time...”

13 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“My friend had a girl ’propose’ to him last night and his face is absolutely priceless.”

14 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“My daughter pooped, then pulled this face.”

15 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“Annie thinks this is her ferocious face.”

16 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“She makes this face when you rub her belly...I couldn’t stop laughing.”

17 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“When the face painting goes horribly wrong...or perfectly right”

18 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“Looks like a pretty good crop this year.”

19 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“I’m very patiently waiting for my fiancé to wake up so I can find out why there’s a bite mark in the butter...”

20 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“A hairstylist friend of mine is doing her boyfriend’s hair.”

21 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“My dog ate a magazine last night. I pulled this out of his lip just now. I guess he liked it.”

22 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“Asked the cashier for the key to the restroom and was handed these.”

23 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“I thought something bad happened to our new puppy. But she just found the blackberries that she used as a face mask.”

24 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“’Every mouse trap needs a mouse as a lure,’ my Friend, Jack.”

25 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“I asked for some extra sauce.”

26 Funny Situations (53 pics)

"This woman’s hair is so long that when she puts it under her clothes, it looks like she has a tail."

27 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“Went out to run errands, asked my wife if she wanted me to grab her anything. As a joke, she said a horse. Everyone, meet Latte.”

28 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“When you forget to measure and account for the skirting board”

29 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“I like how he did this fake plate number in pencil first, realized it wouldn’t pass, then went back over it with a marker.”

30 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“Got a new toilet. Didn’t realize I’d be looking into heaven until tonight.”

31 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“Since when have we gotten things from outside the planet?”

32 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“Surprised the wife with some flour for Valentine’s Day.”

33 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“I was tired this morning when I threw the trash out...had a heart attack for a second!”

34 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“My sister’s attempt at a homemade caterpillar cake looks like it’s begging for you to end its life.”

35 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“Got approached by a squirrel. Does this mean I’m the new Disney princess?”

36 Funny Situations (53 pics)

37 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“My pet rat looks like it’s singing: I came in like a wreeeeeecking ball!”

38 Funny Situations (53 pics)

“My nana asked me to fix her phone because ’the outside clock is always showing the wrong time.’”

39 Funny Situations (53 pics)

’’This monkey suddenly appeared and started licking our window.’’

40 Funny Situations (53 pics)

’’My wife asked me why I smelled like a wet dog.’’

41 Funny Situations (53 pics)

’’I asked my crush what she was doing, and she sent me this.’’

42 Funny Situations (53 pics)

’’My boyfriend’s sister tried to fix some broken decorations.’’

43 Funny Situations (53 pics)

’’Police pulled me over, asked me why I keep a baseball bat in my car.’’

44 Funny Situations (53 pics)

’’I live with my grandparents and this is where I found the TV remote this morning.’’

45 Funny Situations (53 pics)

’’My dad after realizing he ate half his sandwich with the wrapper on.’’

46 Funny Situations (53 pics)

’’My 2 friends who are dating just got a place together. The girl and I were out and came back to see this on the wall.’’

47 Funny Situations (53 pics)

’’What the life of a 6’2″ girl is like’’

48 Funny Situations (53 pics)

’’My wife was excited to hear that there was a vegetarian option during the BBQ for Teacher Appreciation Week. It was this.’’

49 Funny Situations (53 pics)

’’Today I’m the only person in the office. I found out that this is the underside of my co-worker’s mouse.’’

50 Funny Situations (53 pics)

’’I cut my own hair the night before picture day when I was 6.’’

51 Funny Situations (53 pics)

’’Our yard ornament was stolen 3 months ago. Today it showed up in our yard, but with a new touch.’’

52 Funny Situations (53 pics)


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