People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Mar, 2022  |
  • Views: 4421  |
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[b]“The middle of my forehead has a single, invisible hair that grows as long as I let it.”

1 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

“This weird thing I can do with the back of my palm”

2 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

“I have an extra tooth on the roof of my mouth!”

3 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

4 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

“My hand pruned a bit while swimming.”

5 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

“I have a blonde spot only on the left side of my face.”

6 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

“A result of working at the same spot for months, full-time — it tanned only the right side of my body.”

7 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

“I recently was diagnosed with dermatographia, where scratching the skin causes a rash to show up within minutes.

8 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

“I have brachydactyly type D, or ’toe thumbs,’ on both my hands.”

9 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

“Sometimes people stop in the middle of a conversation to stare at my eye. I wonder why.”

10 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

“My mom has Raynaud’s disease, where your fingers or toes go numb out of nowhere and turn white.”

11 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

“I have naturally pointed ears and a weird notch missing on my right ear.”

12 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

“I have a freckle on my arm in the shape of a perfect heart.”

13 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

“I can do this with my little finger.”

14 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

“My finger does not understand."

15 People With Interesting Features (15 pics)

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