Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Mar, 2022  |
  • Views: 1735  |
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"Someone forgot their car/house keys."

1 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"I guess I’m bad at sunscreen."

2 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"This isn’t what I had in mind when I tried to “unlock” the door."

3 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

''2 hour old brand new off the shelf Red Wing boots disintegrated. Cost my friend a day of work."

4 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

5 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"Guess I’m making a new cup of tea."

6 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"When you get on the airplane for a long flight and open your AirPods case only to find it empty."

7 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"An entire pint of Kilkenny.. look. I know it’s not major. But fml"

8 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

9 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"Guess it’s time for some wireless."

10 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"I just found a bunch of these in the food I was making, ruining tonight's dinner."

11 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"Someone threw a paw patrol bike at my windshield."

12 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"I was babysitting my cousin while her dad was away on business. He told me dinner is in the freezer. Yum, battery and broccoli. Just like mom used to make."

13 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"My wife said she’s incapable of getting the mail."

14 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"What happens if your tree hits a neighbour’s car?"

15 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"Just had a new TV delivered. I plugged it in and turned it on."

16 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

“Move to a place you can afford” they said…"

17 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"I've been wanting this mug for over a year and I finally ordered it. It came in today and I dropped it while I was opening it."

18 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"Had a 2 hour bus ride today to get to the pharmacy only to find out that they were closed from yesterday to tomorrow."

19 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"I’m a high school teacher and my apartment window just got egged. I thought they liked me ."

20 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

"This is how I caught my ex wife cheating."

21 Bad Days Happen (22 pics)

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