Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 28 Feb, 2022  |
  • Views: 1199  |
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“My boss gets back from vacation tomorrow. So we updated her office decor.”

1 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

“My co-worker changed our intern’s background to the Blue Screen of Death.”

2 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

“Many unnecessary reboots took place before he figured out the ’problem.’”

“My friend who is a gardener sends me photos of himself at work.”

3 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

“Someone left tampons inside my work’s break room fridge.”

4 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

“On my last night working in a store, I switched out 70 stock photos with a selfie of me at work.”

5 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

“I came to the office kitchen to have some coffee and saw this.”

6 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

“A co-worker left her eyelashes in the bathroom.”

7 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

"Always try to put a smile on your co-worker’s face..."

8 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

“Someone brought this to the office potluck.”

9 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

“Every year, my co-worker and I troll each other. This year, I printed wallet-sized family photos for the whole team.”

10 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

“Someone at work put a banana in a vase...I added some details.”

11 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

“While I was away from my desk, one of my co-workers scrambled my cubes.”

12 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

13 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

“My brother is a carpenter and leaves small Easter eggs when he’s working.”

14 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)

“Never tell your co-workers who your favorite actor is.”

15 Fun Day At Work (15 pics)


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