Annoying Things (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 21 Feb, 2022  |
  • Views: 1909  |
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“This is how my wife leaves a dish after taking it out of the oven and WALKS AWAY. We have children and a dog...”

1 Annoying Things (15 pics)

“Someone took my bike and left one wheel.”

2 Annoying Things (15 pics)

“My roommate throws away dishes so he won’t have to do them (I bought all our dishes and silverware).”

3 Annoying Things (15 pics)

“All the places my wife keeps toilet paper other than the holder”

4 Annoying Things (15 pics)

5 Annoying Things (15 pics)

“Went to make poached eggs for breakfast. Turns out my wife was baking yesterday.”

6 Annoying Things (15 pics)

“My mother destroyed my screen because my dogs woke her up.”

7 Annoying Things (15 pics)

“My brother dug through the ice cream to take all the candy out.”

8 Annoying Things (15 pics)

“I got new colored pencils today and saw this pencil’s label.”

9 Annoying Things (15 pics)

“Windchill is −21 and some kids just egged our house. They froze instantly.”

10 Annoying Things (15 pics)

“I cut the crust off my toddler’s sandwich so she would eat the whole thing. I came back to this.”

11 Annoying Things (15 pics)

“My McCheese bites had no McCheese.”

12 Annoying Things (15 pics)

“My brand new boots after 2 weeks of wearing them”

13 Annoying Things (15 pics)

“Roommate’s gone weeks without doing dishes, despite being asked multiple times, and I have loaded and unloaded the last 4 loads.”

14 Annoying Things (15 pics)

“Woke up and saw my door removed by my parents. I asked them why and they replied with, ’Privacy isn’t necessary.’”

15 Annoying Things (15 pics)


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