Unusual People (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 15 Feb, 2022  |
  • Views: 1728  |
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“My eyelash vitiligo (and hair poliosis)”

1 Unusual People (15 pics)

"She has symmetry heterochromia in both eyes."

2 Unusual People (15 pics)

“Found a double helix in my hair yesterday.”

3 Unusual People (15 pics)

“The pinky on my left hand has an extra fold.”

4 Unusual People (15 pics)

“The way the hair grows on my arm”

5 Unusual People (15 pics)

“There are too many lines on my hand.”

6 Unusual People (15 pics)

“I can do this with my finger, and I salute people like that.”

7 Unusual People (15 pics)

“Just realized one of my hands is significantly larger than the other after 19 years of existence.”

8 Unusual People (15 pics)

“My daughter has a mole in the shape of a heart on her thumb.”

9 Unusual People (15 pics)

“I grew my brows out to show you how crazy they are! They’re naturally asymmetrical!”

10 Unusual People (15 pics)

"Persistent pupillary membrane (PPM) is a condition of the eye involving remnants of a fetal membrane that persist as strands of tissue cross the pupil."

11 Unusual People (15 pics)

“I have a pear-shaped pupil!”

12 Unusual People (15 pics)

“I have mirrored moles on my hands.”

13 Unusual People (15 pics)

“I have vitiligo and heterochromia.”

14 Unusual People (15 pics)

“Here’s a hand with really long fingers.”

15 Unusual People (15 pics)


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