Unusual People (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 7 Feb, 2022  |
  • Views: 3861  |
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"No such thing as too many freckles"

1 Unusual People (17 pics)

2 Unusual People (17 pics)"Heterochromia and mirrored makeup"

3 Unusual People (17 pics)

“My son was born with a black spot of hair in his blonde hair. It grows in black, and there is no birthmark or discoloration under it.”

4 Unusual People (17 pics)

“No. Is not a pierced hole. I inherited it from my father (my brother also has it).”

5 Unusual People (17 pics)

“My eyelashes on my right eye started growing in white a few months ago.”

6 Unusual People (17 pics)

“At 40 years of age, I was diagnosed with vitiligo. Never be ashamed or embarrassed.”

7 Unusual People (17 pics)

"Elf ears"

8 Unusual People (17 pics)

“This is my sister’s eye. She has a condition called ’Coloboma.’”

9 Unusual People (17 pics)

“My girlfriend and my nephew have a very similar birthmark despite that they aren’t related at all.”

10 Unusual People (17 pics)

“Vitiligo made one of her brows white”

11 Unusual People (17 pics)

“Sectoral heterochromia! My left eye is my favorite eye.”

12 Unusual People (17 pics)

“I was born with poliosis and have never dyed my hair.”

13 Unusual People (17 pics)

“The bottom joint is higher in both of my thumbs”

14 Unusual People (17 pics)

“I have a teardrop-shaped birthmark perfectly placed under my right eye.”

15 Unusual People (17 pics)

“I have a rare genetic condition called distichiasis (a double row of eyelashes).”

16 Unusual People (17 pics)

“A little bit double-jointed”

17 Unusual People (17 pics)

"Anisocoria (unequal pupil sizes)"

18 Unusual People (17 pics)


№1 Author: OldOllie (8 Feb 2022 02:15) Total user comments: 2136

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1. 2 - No such thing as too much skin cancer.

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