Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Feb, 2022  |
  • Views: 1730  |
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“A few days ago, I tried Dutch braiding my own hair and kept getting frustrated because I couldn’t.”

1 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

“Had a nightmare this morning so my boyfriend came home and surprised me with this.”

2 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

3 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

“On the left is the photo I posted of my boyfriend and I, on the right is his response.”

4 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

“I mentioned to my boyfriend how beautiful the necklace was that our mutual friend made, and he surprised me with it today.”

5 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

“My husband is the absolute cutest.”

6 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

“My husband made this bookshelf for me out of old barn wood and steel piping.”

7 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

8 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

“Frog custard tart my husband made me on my birthday”

9 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

“When we got engaged 5 years ago, my husband couldn’t afford the ring I originally wanted.”

10 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

“Breakfast for dinner! My husband made me eggs, toast, and bacon.”

11 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

“My super-cool boyfriend made this for my birthday. Thanks for making me feel special.”

12 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

“Boyfriend flew all the way to New Zealand to visit me since I am studying abroad for a semester.”

13 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

“My boyfriend made me a sandwich and a coffee to take to work. Brightened a gloomy morning.”

14 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)

“I asked my boyfriend to watch our pets. Later I walked into the living room and found everyone like this:”

15 Great Boyfriends (15 pics)


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