Hospital Humor (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Feb, 2022  |
  • Views: 2131  |
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“The sterilization and equipment center has a rubber chicken to call for attention.”

1 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“The wall decor in my fertility doctor’s office”

2 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“Spoon artwork at my doc’s office”

3 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“This eye chart at the vet this morning”

4 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“25 years of cat damage in a vet’s office”

5 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“A sign located between an emergency vet and an urgent care center”

6 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“A surgeon glove Christmas tree”

7 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“My mother-in-law received this flower bouquet after her surgery.”

8 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“The ceiling at my vet had paws on it.”

9 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“This very friendly filtration machine in one of the surgery rooms at work”

10 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“This artwork made from IV medication caps hanging in the ICU of a local hospital”

11 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“This 7-foot tall gingerbread house at a nursing home”

12 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“My doctor drew a smiley face on my foot bandages after surgery.”

13 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“Waiting at the eye doctor and a 95-year-old lady is giving everyone homemade potholders because it makes her happy. Made my day.”

14 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“This sign at my doctor’s office”

15 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“This nose lamp at my ear, nose, and throat doctor’s office”

16 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“The radiology waiting room in a local hospital has the usual stock floral decor, except...they’re X-rays.”

17 Hospital Humor (18 pics)

“My wife had her X-ray taken by a giraffe.”

18 Hospital Humor (18 pics)


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