Guess Their Age (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Feb, 2022  |
  • Views: 2647  |
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“Do I look 13 or 30? For your information, I’m only 20.”

1 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“I’m an emergency medical technician, and my patients ask me all the time, ‘Are you even old enough to be doing this?’ I’m 25.”

2 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“I’m 13 in the left photo, and I was mistaken for a substitute teacher my first day of 8th grade. To be fair, I look younger now at 34 than I did then.”

3 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“Can you guess my actual age? I’m 42.”

4 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“Way back when I was 14 going on 40.”

5 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“My emo phase made me look like a 35-year-old mom. I’m a guy. The photo was taken when I was 13.”

6 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“My new haircut has me feeling like a 13-year-old redneck boy.”

7 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“I still get on the bus as a child (15 and under) and I’m 20. When I was 19 the shops refused to sell me an age-rated movie.”

8 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“I look like both 13 and 30 while I’m 19 in reality.”

9 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“This was me when I was 16.”

10 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“Guess my age, this should be fun. I’m 35.”

11 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“I found this old photo of me from when I was 17 or 37, can’t remember which. At 27, I look younger for some reason.”

12 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“Guess my age. I’m 26.”

13 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“I asked people to guess my age, and was surprised to see that they guessed so high. I’m only 23.”

14 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“I’ll turn 36 soon.”

15 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“A student in the 2000s or a teacher in the 1970s?”

16 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“Do you think I’m 12 or 27? I actually teach 12-year-olds.”

17 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“When I played on the school basketball team, was I really in middle school or actually 32?”

18 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“8th grade, 1999”

19 Guess Their Age (20 pics)

“It could be Linda, some 36-year-old office manager. In reality, it’s me at age 10.”

20 Guess Their Age (20 pics)


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